2025 Victor Jr. Blue Devils Board
President of Football:
- Noah Fehrenbach (noahjrbluedevils@gmail.com)
President of Cheer:
- Laura Harris (laurajrbluedevils@gmail.com)
Vice-Presidents of Football:
- Danielle Hill
- Jenny Williamson
Vice-Presidents of Cheer:
- Anna Clune
- Kristin Starker
Director of Flag Football/Non-Competitive Cheer:
- Lindsay Wojick (lindsayjrbluedevils@gmail.com)
Chair of K-2 Flag:
- Nathan Drahms
Chair of Advanced Flag:
- Mike Condon
- Lindsay Praino
- TBD (Fundraisingjrbluedevils@gmail.com)
- Joe Boyd
Secretary of Football:
- Heather Sadler (heatherjrbluedevils@gmail.com)
Secretary of Cheer:
- Chelsea Tolleson
Secretary of Flag Football:
Football Equipment:
- Dan Ryan & Chris Reed
Game Day Operations:
- Ryan Williamson
Spirit Wear/Photography Football:
- Emily Reed
Spirit Wear/Photography Cheer:
- Kristin Smarker
Members at Large/Advisory:
- Alexandra Dayton (Varsity Cheer)
- Geoff Mandile (Varsity Football Coach)